The last few weeks have seen another of fantastic community events around the towns and villages of Wansbeck many of which I had the pleasure to attend in person.

A number of these were celebrations of our regions proud history and heritage and a remembrance of those who lost their lives in the mining industry. I had the honour to lay a wreath and speak at the Northumberland Miners Picnic at Woodhorn Museum on Saturday in an event which included moving performances from a number of our regions incredible brass bands as well as many other lively performances and events throughout the day.

This was followed by another moving service on Sunday to commemorate Armed Forces Day and the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War where I lay another wreath and reflected on those young lives lost in the conflict which should not, and will not, ever be forgotten.

There have also been the wide range of jubilee celebrations as many people celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Queen being on the throne. There was there an outpouring of informal, unofficial gatherings amongst friends, family and neighbours, something which after the pandemic we cherish even more than ever before.

All of this was finished off by the Morpeth Fair Day which reached its climax on Sunday after a two year hiatus as a result of the disruption caused by the pandemic. The family event is a staple of the summer calendar in South East Northumberland, and it was brilliant to see it back in full flow after all this time.

Despite the weather not being perfect it is clear just how cherished these events are in our communities, and how important they can be to helping us remember and appreciate our proud histories and traditions while bringing us together in the present.

These events do not just get organised overnight. I extended my huge gratitude to all those people in our communities who have worked tirelessly for weeks and months to make these events possible that offer so much – in particular to our young people who have endured an exceptionally difficult couple of years.

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